Descartes's epistemology about "I think, therefore I am," has to do with the irrefutable truth. His quote is irrefutably true because he is thinking about his existence. Since he is thinking that he exists, that prove his existence. To be more clear in the image above, there is no doubt that the person is perceiving. That is the rational mind , or in other words, an individual reason such as control over the six passions unaffected by authority or tradition. However, perception, or the intuition of the mind, is dubitable because it can be confused. Perception also has a clearer definition, which the result of thinking. In the image above, everyone won't have a particular answer because authority, tradition, & culture taught us how to see things their way. That is known as the rational doubt. Referring back to "perceiving," it is technically an individual thought. And back to Descartes's quote. "I think, therefore I am," since he's perceiving he knows he exists with the use of the irrefutable truth.