In what ways do multiple perspectives on terrorism create ethical conflict between countries?
Group members: Please write the names of your group members here (including their PARK ELA class period): Cristian Víctor-Vega — Period ¾ Adrian Carrillo — Period ¾ Driving Question: What is your driving question? Please type it out below. In what ways do multiple perspectives on terrorism create ethical conflicts between countries? ------------------------------------------------- Interview Who are you planning on interviewing? Please write their name, occupation, and email address. We are planning on interviewing two people; one from the Middle-East and one from Southern America to see the differences of how people view others and how they view terrorism. How are you going to contact them? Are they a family friend, someone you know, a relative, a friend’s parent, a teacher’s friend? A stranger? If so, how will you contact the stranger and what will you say? (If you are emailing, your mentor must approve the email and you must make sure your mentor is cc’d to the email. If you are meeting someone, you MUST be accompanied with an adult like a parent or older sibling who is 18 or older. If you are calling, you MUST have a mentor or adult in the room with you as you call.) We are planning on interviewing my Dad’s friend which is from Southern America in person, and the other person by text message on a Gaming Platform named Steam. He is from the Middle-East. When do you plan on conducting the interview? March 28, 2017 What are the 5 questions that you will ask the person?
How do your interview questions help investigate the DRIVING QUESTION? The questions focus more on opinion than facts. It can focus more on multiple perspectives, because we want to see what different people from different countries think and portray of terrorism. What are the limitations or possible flaws of your interview? The only limitation is that, that person might not want to talk about it. ------------------------------------------------- Driving Question: In what ways do multiple perspectives on terrorism create ethical conflicts between countries? Language of the Discipline Terrorism :
Multiple Perspectives There are multiple types of terrorism. There are five in particular which express the following:
The examples are the following:
Conflicts are composed of opposing forces Apart from multiple perspectives, a contribution to it is ethics. Ethics and multiple perspectives seem similar in these instances but they’re not. Terrorism has been portrayed inaccurately over the time by media, societies, and people around the world. Therefore, this causes opposing forces between the two particular peoples. There is no willing answer for who to really blame on terrorism because of all the coverage. Here are some examples:
Terrorism may allow for synthesis and change The multiple perspectives which contribute to ethical conflicts later create multiple impacts on terrorist issues. The reasons for this are:
Terrorism may be natural or man-made Terrorism is natural and man-made, however, in these cases, terrorism is only man-made because the conflicts created are by a people, society, etc. Terrorism is usually caused because of religious acts, political reasons, or ideological actions. It is not only for beliefs, also because some have suffered a tragedy and/or wants to avenge whoever they lost. According to Richard A.Couto (2010) “The decisive distinction between them is consideration of consequences of action. The ethic of ultimate ends focuses on intention while the ethic of responsibility focuses on the foreseeable consequences of one’s actions. “The believer in an ethic of ultimate ends feels “responsible” only for seeing to it that the flame of pure intentions is not squelched; for example, the flame of protesting against the injustice of the social order” (p. 13). This here proves terrorism may be man-made. Terrorism may be intentional or unintentional Terrorist may not want to go and kill people, but their religion might make them. Richard A.Couto (2010) “Weber spends considerable space outlining the preeminent qualities of a leader with avocation for politics, that is someone who seeks power as a means to serve other ends and not merely self-gratification—passion, a feeling of responsibility, and a sense of proportion. These qualities, like all human qualities, are held together in paradoxical if not contradictory fashion.” Another piece of evidence comes from Tim Krieger who quoted (2009) “Apart from economics and politics, there may also be an independent effect of demographic and cultural factors on transnational terrorist attack patterns. These factors are linked to hypotheses that link terrorism to identity conflict and strain that accompany modernization processes.” (pg.12) Terrorism is progressive Terrorism has never been the same. First it started with invasions. There is still invasion happening right now, like in Afghanistan. However, the terrorist acts are getting are more serious from time to time. According to Lawyer LeVine(2001) “The first recorded use of "terrorism" and "terrorist" was in 1795, relating to the Reign of Terror instituted by the French government. The use of "terrorist" to signify anti-government activities was recorded in 1866 referring to Ireland, and in 1883 referring to Russia.” Many innovations have struck into the terrorist mind. For example in Afghanistan drones are used for dropping bombs on the enemy. It does not only innovate physically, but mentally too. According to Dr.James Hess, “One thing that is common through these waves is how ideology influences organizations. Ideology determines the target, (i.e. assassinations of national leaders during the Anarchist Wave, or the twin towers during 9/11).Rapoport’s wave theory to describe how ideology has evolved is relevant in our understanding of modern terrorism, which is supported by both Crenshaw’s violent resistance and Reich’s expression of political strategy.” REFERENCES PAGE
BOARD TAG Driving Question: In what ways do multiple perspectives on terrorism create ethical conflicts between countries? Names of student researchers: Cristian Victor, Adrian Carrillo Grade level: 8 Mentor teacher: Park, Torres, Garrett Special notes about handling and or placement or presentation space needed: The placements on presentation space might be quite broad rather than tight. However, we will try to use as much space as possible. ENDING QUESTIONS
Since the last time I wrote about my research, I learned that terrorism is viewed very similar depending on the country you are in or the beliefs you have, etc. However, what I learned about myself was that I didn’t have the ability to do work consistently since the ability of working with another person was hopeless and was a regret as they lacked of knowledge to dedicate their time on the project. Anyways, we decided to draw natural land factors to show how multiple perspectives on terrorism can create ethical conflicts between two opposing forces. A supplemental piece that has been in our visualisations has been to do an atomic bomb and place the objects who portray another certain object as all being terrorists at the top of the bomb and the objects being displayed as terrorists being the victims of the atom bomb’s blast, proving that the bias of the object is a purpose that creates conflict since it provides a propaganda that certain countries should all be viewed as a majority of a terrorist group and not by the minority. It shows the innocence of all of those people whose country has terrorists groups being killed by the explosion and radiation of the bomb. In order to do this, we need to provide deep information of how the atomic bomb relates to the conflicts of terrorism and how the people being affected by it have to relate to it. The ongoing collaboration is not working well as the other group member works separately from his group and prefers to talk to other groups’ members.
Since the last time our research was written, we found out multiple things about terrorism. Contributing to the multiple perspectives and portrayals it has, it also has various types of it (such as it is broken down into factors or components). Yes, there isn’t only type of terrorism but multiple ones because not all causes are the same when they lead up to terrorism. We also found out more information of how people view and misjudge certain races for their antecedents with another society. Therefore, we decided to interview people around the world to gather information of how different societies view terrorism and their opinions of who seems like a terrorist to them. The ease of this part of the project is that we can interrogate people all over the world and then converge that information to see what terrorism is. The hard part though, is that in the process of interrogation, sometimes the questions will be sophisticated to answer because the person sometimes has no valid answer such as “yes/no” and has to go into depth to explain his perspectives neutrally or in both views. To complete this component, we need to gather up similar information to sum it up into a final answer. In conclusion, we’ve been working sufficiently in order to maintain our data wisely and thoroughly.
On the article “Understanding Terrorism,” it talks about how people don’t realize that terrorism isn’t simply just terrorism. There is a complexity into what it really is and how it has multiple choices/perspectives. This relates to the driving question because how people view terrorism isn’t just one-minded; it’s open-minded and that’s what multiple perspectives represents on the topic. Another article is “Ethics of Terrorism.” This article explains how terrorism can be portrayed differently depending on your ideological, religious, or political group and the various parts of the world. The last article is “One Man’s Terrorist Victims’ Perspectives on Terrorism” in which it talks about how people react or believe terrorist groups or incidents as. It’s a way of propaganda and bias, in some ways fooling people to how it usually is. Something new about terrorism is that it can be expressed in various different ways. In other words, there are various types of terrorism. The fact that bias comes in here is fascinating because the object is convincing people to think that people are “this” when they’re actually or most likely not; probably right. Yes, the topic had to be changed because it was very extended. Global conflicts was a very extended topic because many subtopics (which are usually topics) came out of it. In the next steps, we hope to find why and how people view and portray terrorism as how it is but also how and why it brings conflict between societies. The collaboration is good. The only disadvantage is that there is no true answer to terrorism. They are all endless, multiple opinions. Yet, all opinions have to converge to make a conclusion of why terrorism is viewed variously and biased.
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